I saw that a lot of people were giving this book low ratings because they say it too much like hunger games, but Victoria Scott did an amazing just at this book, she made it her OWN. & I actually like it better than The Hunger Games (yes i said it). I hope this is made into a movie just as well because I feel it has so much potential. Don't get me wrong I like The Hunger Games, but this blew me away. I love how it is a mix between The Hunger Games/ Pokemon and everyone is saying that and that's what got me to buy it plus its only $2.51 on amazon for the kindle so I had to click that button to buy it! I highly recommend this book, it had me turning page after page, it had me have feels for all the characters..even some HATE feels. It was just awesome and I can not wait until the sequel comes out. This might just be one of MY favorites this year! & I mean look at that cover! Its beautiful!





So there is this EPIC race where you have to cross jungle, desert, ocean, and mountain and you will be doing this for 3 months! This race is called the Brimstone Bleed. In this race the contenders are fighting for a CURE to say a loved one in their family, whether it be a brother, daughter, sister, mothers etc. Tella is racing for her brother Cody. But this race has so much more depth behind it with a wicked twist so go buy the book & start reading it like now!

 Just wait until you read about the Pandora's! I want one!